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To add content to the mod, just send it as an E-mail attachement to  or post it on the forum page [link coming soon].


*Don't forget to tell me your username so I can give you credit.

**Any items created by players will have that player's username in the item's tool-tip.


Any skin is welcome as long as it is appropriate.

Click here for a template.


*Make armour skins just like normal skins.



Use Techne.

Weapon bottoms should be touching the bottom of the grid and pointing straight up, the blade edges pointing back-to-front.

Basic items can point any way as long as they're centered on the bottom of the grid.


Use Techne.

Make sure you use joints or the animation won't work right. I recommend to use the templates if you're not experienced with it.


Use Techne.

Blocks can be any way you want.

If you make it larger than the 16x16 grid I will scale it down to fit.

Building Schematics:

To avoid lag, the building should be 16x16 or smaller. Height doesn't matter but 32 blocks tall or less is recommended.

Cities are made of Stone Brick and towns are made similar to Vanilla villages.


If you want to create a new civilization type, go for it.

New dungeons, landmarks or other naturally-spawning structures are also welcome.

Items, Weapons, Blocks:

These are all simple. Just use Paint, GIMP or any other image editor to create the icons you see in your inventory. You can go into the game files for examples.

Please use either 8x8, 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 or 96x96 sizes.


*Swords point to the top-right corner.

*Bows point to the top-left corner.

*Items can point any way you want.

*Blocks just fill the square.

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